Friday, August 9, 2013

By the Way...

Right now, I'm sitting in my living room, rereading my blog in anticipation of my return to China. I've been emailing back and forth with my new supervisor these past few days, which has kind of gotten me back into the mindset of China life. I am having an amazing summer career-wise (find out more here), with my family/friends, and with my one true love, food, that it will be hard for me to return. I would seriously consider staying in the US for longer, but I know once I'm back in China I'll be happy that I returned. But basically, I'm feeling a bit sad about leaving the US. Hence: reading through my blog.

In doing so, I realized that I totally forgot to tell you that I figured out the lyrics to my students' twice daily outdoors exercise routine!!!!!! 

Twice-daily exercises look like this...
Here is the original post, from October 2012...

A little Wednesday treat for you:

Every morning and afternoon, the students of Nanda Fu Zhong do their outdoor exercises and it's really a sight to see. Unfortunately, YOU CAN'T SEE IT because blogger is not permitting me to upload the video. However, I will share with you my own lyrics to this exercise song. It is in Chinese and it gets stuck in my head with alarming frequency, so I have created my own English version so that I can sing along. It begins... "I've been around the world, haven't any pearls" but climaxes with this lyrical chorus:

Ay ay ay there are noodles in the sky
I like to eat them
bottles in the sky

Ay ay ay I'm a dragon in disguise
in magazines and
bottles in the sky

ayayayayayayayayay, ay hunters eat some pie

ayayayayayayayayay, ay Christmas in July

Pure poetry. More soon, I promise. China Doll

Excellent, right?

So here's the thing: the song is actually in English. MIND BLOWN!

Smile Cover - smiledk Photo
It's called Butterfly*. It's by It's weird. Here are the actual lyrics:

I'm searching for a man
All across Japan
Just to find
To find my samurai

Someone who is strong
But still a little shy
Yes I need
I need my samurai

Ai yai yai
I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky

Ai yai yai
I'm your little butterfly
Green black and blue make the colors in the sky

I'm searching in the woods
And high upon the hills
Just to find
To find my samurai

Someone who won't regret
To keep me in his net
Yes I need
I need my samurai

Then it's just Ai yai yai over and over again, alternating "Where's my samurai?" with "Little butterfly." Interestingly, the link I used via youtube has lyrics that are MUCH clearer than the version NDFZ used in the exercises. I assume what I heard was a Chinese cover.

Anyway, mystery solved. No dragons in the sky, just colors in the sky. Much less exciting. China Doll is disappointed.

*FYI, if you can't make it through the whole youtube video, the two girls get abducted by a butterfly-shaped UFO with two buff Asian guys. Just sayin.