Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dancin' Grannies

For someone who only teaches three days a week, my schedule has become inexplicably full. Extra shifts at RISE, working for a US firm remotely, and my new gig at the Shanghaiist* have pretty much taken over my life.

Breaks are desperately needed and happily welcomed. Lately, my "time off" activity of choice has been an hour of dancing at the university track. This is actually a totally normal thing in China. It's called 广场舞, or "guangchang wu." Older women gather at parks, courtyards, or just on an especially big sidewalk and do these hysterical little dances to heavily synthed-out pop music. It's funny how many things in China don't strike me as odd anymore, since the sight of a bunch of old women doing cutesy dances on the sidewalk would certainly stand out anywhere else.

Tonight, we danced to "My Humps" by Fergie. Try to get that image out of your head.

The dancing is fun, the old grannies get a kick out of that random white chick who can't figure out the moves, and it's a much harder workout than expected. Win-win-win!

I'm off to Qingdao this weekend, which is a beautiful, historic city steeped in hist... oh screw it. It's where the Tsingtao brewery is located, guys. And it's going to be awesome.

*For those who just can't get enough of my witty banter here at Nanjing China Doll, check out a few of my articles on the Shanghaiist!

Jack Ma is China's richest person
Dalai Lama says he will not be reincarnated
Panda won't let go of keeper's leg
Filmmaker Wang Quan'an detained for 'lewd acts' - you don't actually have to read this one. I just want it to be known that I used the director's family name to make a crude joke about his indiscretions...
China firm to provide pet insurance for cats and dogs

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Really, China? Merry Christmas Edition

For all those disappointed that Christmas comes but once a year, cheer up! Because I just taught RISE's annual Christmas lesson... yesterday.

Yesterday. September 2nd.

Christmas 2014 came early this year! Or maybe we are just super late to the Christmas 2013 party? I taught the kids about Santa Claus. I taught the kids about Christmas trees. I taught the kids that "Christmas is a special time of year when we give people we love gifts," which is a mouthful and grammatically incorrect. The Chinese English teachers at RISE were shocked to learn that Christmas actually celebrates a tiny holy baby.

We also sang Christmas carols. With weird animations.
To finish of the lesson, the six year olds spent forty minutes painstakingly cutting fourteen individual paper ornaments, each with a letter to write out MERRY CHRISTMAS. The ornament project took forever, especially considering its home will be most likely be a trash can. 

WTF China.