Friday, December 14, 2012

Ms. Bra

I don't know all of Sophie's students (that would be impossible) but some of her kids really like to say hi to me and it's awesome! One of her students who I met at our Halloween party is adorable, and loves to wave hello in the hallway.

Except he calls me "Ms. Bra."

"Hello Ms. Bra!" "Hi Ms. Bra" "Ms. Bra, Ms. Bra, how are you?"

I let it slide for the first few months. I figured he would be my student soon enough, a time at which he would have to participate in the requisite pre-class call and response: "Good morning, class" "Good morning Ms. Brie." However, yesterday I decided to put an end to this charade.

"Colin, my name is actually Ms. Brie. Repeat: Ms. Brie"
"Ahhh, Ms. Brie."
"Yes. Ms. Brie"
"Ms. Brie"

He thanked me over and over, doing his little Chinese person davening bow (I have no other way to describe it, but when Chinese people do small bows over and over it looks like they're davening) and he skipped away, merry as could be.

Today, when I saw him bounding down the stairs on his way to class, he waved to me with a cheery greeting,

"Good morning Ms. Brew!"

Eh. Close enough.

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